Upgrading Mastodon on FreeBSD
This post is now out of date. The FreeBSD port/package of Mastodon, net-im/mastodon, is no longer available. To install Mastodon on FreeBSD, refer to the Mastodon Production Guide. To upgrade Mastodon, refer to the Mastodon release notes.
# service mastodon_web stop # service mastodon_workers stop # service mastodon_stream stopUpgrade your packages.
# pkg upgrade
Check the Mastodon release notes to see if any special scripts need to be run. For example, if a data migration is required, run the commands below, but do not prepend commands with `bundle exec` and never run `bundle install`, `yarn install`, or `assets:precompile`.
# su - mastodon % echo -n > Gemfile.lock % RAILS_ENV=production rails db:migrate
Do a diff between nginx-include.conf.sample and nginx-include.conf to check for changes. Update nginx-include.conf if necessary.
Return to root privileges.
If you made changes to nginx-include.conf, reload the nginx configuration.# service nginx reloadFinally, restart the Mastodon daemons.
# service mastodon_web start # service mastodon_workers start # service mastodon_stream start
Posted 2017-04-27 12:55 | Comments